Minggu, 30 September 2007

Let's Pray

Lord, I ask You to fill _____________ with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

I pray this in order that ____________may live a life worthy of You Lord and may please You in every way.

That _________ may bear fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of You God.

That ____________ would be strengthened with all power according to Your glorious might.

So that ____________ may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully give thanks to You Father, who has qualified ____________ to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.

For You have rescued ___________ from the dominion of darkness and brought ___________ into the kingdom of the Son You love, in whom ___________ have been redeemed and forgiven!

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray, amen!

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