Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

The Six Phases of Faith

“Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, ‘Let it happen, then, just as you believe!’” (Matthew 9:29 TEV)

God takes our belief and He blesses us through it, and that makes life a great adventure. It is critical that we cooperate with God as He builds faith within us. Because of its importance, I want to review the six phases of faith we’ve studied over the past week. This will also let you see them all in one place.

Phase 1—Dream: Do I have a dream planted in me by God? If you don’t have a dream, start praying, “God, give me Your dream.” If you can’t write down the dream God has given you, you need to be praying. If you don’t have a dream, you’re not living; you’re just existing. God placed you on this earth for a purpose.

Phase 2—Decision: Do I need to make a faith-decision that will help that dream become a reality? Some of you have a dream from God, but you haven’t made a decision to follow it. You’re still on the fence. God’s word for you is “Go for it!” Some of you may need to make the decision to give your life to Christ. Some of you may need to make the decision to join a church. Some of you may need to make the decision to get involved in ministry.

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Click this link ->The Six Phases of Faith

1 komentar:

  1. Hi…

    Ada info penting banget nih.. Tahun ini Jawaban.Com kembali mengadakan event gede-gedean untuk Para Bloger Kristen, yaitu Christian Indonesian Blogger Festival 2009 (CIBfest 2009). CIBfest kali ini bertema "Menjadi Jawaban Melalui Kreativitas Yang Berdampak". Ada hadiah berupa uang tunai Rp. 15 Juta Rupiah untuk 3 orang pemenang.Pastikan kamu ikutan juga Writing Competitionnya, siapa tahu hasil tulisan kamu terpilih untuk dibukukan! Yupz, Jawaban.Com bekerjasama dengan PT. Elex Media Komputindo akan menerbitkan buku kumpulan karya finalis CIBfest. Kamu ingin ikut terlibat dalam event ini? Caranya gampang dan Gratis!!! Ayo buruan daftar!! Pendaftaran terakhir tgl 30 Agustus 2009 loh.. Jadi log on langsung ke www.cibfest.jawaban.com

    Di tunggu yaaa….. God Bless…
