Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

God send His Word, and I was healed

Cerita tentang mujizat kesembuhan Tuhan

When I was fighting cancer, I knew how important it was to know the Word and to act on it for health and healing. Had it not been for the Word of God–knowing that God's Word works, that God would never lie and that He keeps His promises–I would not be alive today. God sent His Word, and I was healed.

But when our daughter, Lisa, was born with a condition similar to cerebral palsy and brain damage, my husband and I knew very little about healing. John was the pastor of a traditional church that didn't teach about healing. Lack of knowledge could have destroyed us (See Hosea 4:6), but somehow we knew that God's Word was true.

We started by reading in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John about the miraculous healings Jesus performed. Then we read.....

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Click this link -> God send His Word, and I was healed

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